Cao Cao Battle vs Yellow Turban Rebels | Massive 35,000 Unit Cinematic Total War Battle

Cao Cao, one of ancient China’s upcoming warlords was given command of the imperial army to battle the Yellow Turban rebels. During the Han dynasty rule, around the year 184, millions of people in the empire suffered from poverty, hunger, corruption in their provinces. And so the Yellow Turban movement began. As the Han dynasty was beginning to break, the Yellow Turbans were getting stronger and stronger. Multiple uprisings occurred and many battles were fought. Cao Cao’s patriotism and thirst for power allowed him to move up the political ranks until the Han Emperor got notice and eventually was given command of a small army to help deal with the Yellow Turban rebellion. And so, Cao Cao gathered 17,500 troops and marched towards the last known Yellow Turban stronghold. The rebels also gathered 17,500 troops and prepared to meet them in battle. Although, the Yellow Turbans were outmatched in terms of the quality of warriors, what they lacked in equipment and skill made up in passion and morale. They s
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