The Ultra Human Protocol 🎙️ with Jason Dhir

So you’re about to invest in a 30, 60, or 90-day supply of a high-quality #Nootropic to maximize the ROI on that investment I suggest that you plan a simultaneous #productivity sprint of equal duration. Hopefully, you’re reading this just prior to (or just after) splurging a not-insignificant chunk of change on some high-quality Nootropics. If you’re going to spend your hard-earned money on Nootropics there’s an important question you should be asking... How can I make more permanent the mindset and enhanced powers of cognition that this Nootropic imbues? Read Protocol 📑 Everything mentioned here (View Infographic) Shop 🛒 #UltraHuman Coupon code: limitless10 #LimitlessMindset
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