Latex Lace Casting

Latex Lace is Magical! Once you get the hang of casting this stuff, you’ll be smitten. Fondant molds, (typically used in cake decorating) are a fabulous addition to your Mixed Media arsenal. The Latex Lace castings you’ll create from them are flexible, sturdy, and versatile. Once you’ve invested in the molds, all it takes is a quick trip to the hardware store (and your pantry) to obtain everything you need to crank out yards of the stuff! And once you have all of that lacey goodness at your disposal, the uses are limitless... Can you add it to furniture surfaces? Heck, yeah. Dress up that curbside find with swathes of delicious lace! Will it ’stay stuck’? Um, YES. I’m gluing it to everything in sight, and it stays where you put it! I hope you’ll give this a try if you haven’t already - there are so many possibilities... Here’s a quick list of what you’ll need: FTC disclosure: This post and my v
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