Box Camera - FalconCam Project LIVE

NEWS 6th December 2022 Indigo has managed to remove the ribbon of grass(?) that had caught around his neck. He is doing very well, chasing his parents to catch prey in the area (witnessed on tower cam). He fledged on 11 November at 41 days. The other juvenile, Rubus, did not make it. He fledged at 46 days. His body was found on 29/11 and X-rays showed a broken collarbone and probable broken neck. So most likely a flying accident with instantaneous death. There is also a slim possibility that he was suffering from a parasitic disease called trichomoniasis, which falcons sometimes catch from infected pigeons. Unfortunately, the body was too decomposed to test for this. When it was first mooted, I asked an Australian falcon expert to watch Rubus and he thought he was fine, just a bit immature, so we cannot be sure. He was seen several times flying around the campus, albeit not that well. A follower (Liznm) has made a tribute to Rubus
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