Logan Paul MOCKED God & Got What He Deserved?

Logan Paul was recently in hot water for mocking George’s religious beliefs. But this was followed by what he describes as the worst 2 weeks of his life. Here is what happened. Support our videos! Patreon (thank you!): One time donations on Paypal (thank you!): Subscribe Star: YouTube Channel Membership: Be in Our Videos! If you want to be in one of our videos, record a clip of you saying “Whaddo You Memeeeee?” and send it to whaddoyoumeme@. Try to get creative. If using a cellphone to record, hold it sideways to be sure it fits the screen dimensions. On the email, please list your name, your youtube handle name, and where are recording from if you want that information put on the video as well. Subscribe by clicking here: Translate ou
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