DREAM BUILD MTB - ’Bucket Bike’ - Can’t Quit

I’ll let Steve do the talking... First, what is a ‘bucket bike’ I hear you ask? Well it’s an adaptive bike modified with a ‘bucket’ style seat and motor so wheelchair users can still shred the trails - cool huh? You see up until 2014 I was ripping the trails and going to bike parks and biking trips just like anyone else and one of my FAVE things I’ve loved to do has always been to build my own bikes - like writing out lists and choosing all the parts so you end up with a bike completely individual and tailored to just to you. Basically building something that stands out from all the stock bikes and just looks exactly how you want it to. Yet all that hit pause when mid 2014 I was in an accident that left me paralysed. I thought I’d never be able to ride with my mates and shred trails yet after luckily being able to build the mk1 bucket bike back in Feb 2016. Since then I’ve learnt a bunch of things that do work and a bunch that don’t. With this knowledge and previous experiences it was time to build my very
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