Диалог из сериала для изучения английского языка (Фирменный рецепт / Becker)

Английский язык по диалогам из сериалов (продвинутый уровень, advanced) Американский английский. Сюжет крутится вокруг доктора. Действие происходит в кафе. Много разговорных фраз. И в этом видео, вы узнаете самое главное. Как сказать человеку сказать, что он вас достал? Что-то наподобие “отвали“. Или как написал Яндекс переводчик - “укусить меня, меня укусить, кусать меня“. Напишите в комментариях, какие еще вы знаете способы сказать “отвали“ на английском языке. Помимо “f*** off” :) Ключевые слова и фразы используемые в диалоге Key Vocabulary ya this term is commonly used as a shortened replacement for the word you yeah (informal) yes wanna want to want a huh (exclamation) said to show that you have not heard or understood something, or used at the end of a statement to question it sneaking cigarettes this is a funny statement because the person smoking cigarettes is trying to hide the fact that they smoke handicap a mental or physical disadvantage, such as blindness or a missing leg be all over somebody (informal) show a lot of affection for or enthusiasm about somebody (informal) to be trying to kiss someone and touch them, especially in a sexual way pick someone / something up to lift someone or something using your hands to collect, or to go and get, someone or something heap (US, slang) an automobile, esp. an old, dilapidated one stubble the short hair that grows on a man’s face if he has not recently shaved (= cut the hair) ad (informal) for an advertisement as far as (informal) with reference to; as for bite me it is a phrase used to express annoyance a slightly more polite way to say “f*** off” such an ass commonly used in written and spoken English. You can use this phrase when you want to describe someone who is obtuse, foolish, or unhelpful. ass a stupid, foolish, or stubborn person a rude word for the part of the body that you sit on flaw a flaw in someone’s character is an undesirable quality that they have
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