Orthodox chant: Тебе одеющагося светом - Thou Who Coverest Thy self with Light. (Lyric video)
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About the chant:
In the period of Ottoman rule in Bulgaria, many Christians fled, bringing the Bulgarian Church chants to other countries; features of the Bulgarian chant are found both in Orthodox and Latin manuscripts. In the mid-17th century, some Bulgarian chants came into use in Russian church singing. The chant is performed from the Synodal Lenten Triodion with an ison by Alexander Semyonov.
“Joseph with Nicodemus takes Thee down from the tree, who clothest Thyself with light as it were with a garment; and when he saw Thee dead, naked and unentombed, he mourned with compassionate wailing and said: Alas! Beloved Jesus, so short a time ago the sun beholding Thee upon the Cross covered himself with gloom, the earth trembled for fear, and the veil of the temple was rent in twain and now, lo! I see Thee before me, willingly going down to death. How can I bury Thee, my God, or how can I enwrap Thee in fine linen? How with my hands dare I touch Thy sacred Body or with what chants can I celebrate Thy going hence, O Lord of mercies? I magnify Thy sufferings and I praise Thy Tomb and Thy Resurrection, crying: Lord, Glory to Thee.”
This chant was performed by Monastic Choir of the #Valaam #Monastery
(C) master copyright is owned by the Igor Matvienko Production Centre/ ООО “Продюсерский Центр Игоря Матвиенко“
Chant text:
Тебе одеющагося светом яко ризою
снем Иосиф с Древа с Никодимом,
и видев мертва нага непогребена,
благосердный плач восприим,
рыдая глаголаше:
увы мне, сладчайший Иисусе,
Егоже вмале солнце на Кресте
висима узревша мраком облагашеся,
и земля страхом колебашеся,
и раздирашеся церковная завеса:
но се ныне вижу Тя, мене ради
волею подъемша смерть.
Како погребу Тя Боже мой,
или какою плащаницею обвию?
коима ли рукама прикоснуся
нетленному Твоему телу?
или кия песни воспою
Твоему исходу Щедре,
величаю страсти Твоя,
песнословлю и погребение Твое
со Воскресением, зовый:
Господи слава Тебе.
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