Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble Vol. 89
보천보전자악단 제89집
Ансамбль электронной музыки Почхонбо. Альбом №89
01) [00:00] Our Socialism is Best in the World / 우리의 사회주의 세상에 으뜸일세 / Наш социализм - лучший в мире
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
02) [02:45] The Name of Korea Has Been Engraved on the Sky / 조선의 그 이름 하늘에 새겼네 / Имя Кореи выгравировано на небе
Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Kim Kwang Suk
03) [06:28] It Looks Fine and Is Nice to Live / 경치도 좋치만 살기도 좋네 / Пейзаж прекрасен, жизнь здесь хороша
Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
04) [10:44] Our Land Is So Nice / 이 강산 하도 좋아 / Наши прекрасные горы и реки
Female duet - Kim Jong Nyo, Kim Un Suk
05) [13:21] Whenever the Sun Smiles / 해님이 웃을 때면 / Когда улыбается солнце
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
06) [18:16] Our Hearts Yearning For the Leader / 수령님 그리는 마음 / Наши сердца тоскуют по Вождю
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Yun Hye Yong
07) [22:58] Jagang Province Is the Pride of My Country / 자강도는 내 나라의 자랑도일세 / Провинция Чаган - гордость моей страны
Female duet and mixed chorus behind the stage - Jo Kum Hwa, Kim Jong Nyo
08) [25:45] Blooming Workplace / 꽃피는 일터 / Цветущее рабочее место
Female solo - Kim Jong Nyo
09) [28:28] Weaver’s Mind / 직포공의 마음 (직포공의 노래) / Душа ткача
Female trio
10) [31:20] Taehongdan Is a Good Place to Live / 대홍단은 살기 좋은 고장입니다 / Тэхондан - хорошее место для жизни
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
11) [35:52] The Pride of Youth / 청춘의 자랑 / Гордость молодёжи
Female quartet and male chorus behind the stage
12) [38:52] Our Fruitful Workplace / 보람찬 우리 일터 / Наше продуктивное рабочее место
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
13) [41:10] Proud Seaway / 자랑찬 바다길 / Славный путь морской
Female duet - Kim Kwang Suk, Ri Pun Hui
14) [43:31] The Bell Rings / 종소리 / Колокольный звон
Female duet and chorus behind the stage - Kim Kwang Suk, Ri Kyong Suk
15) [47:51] My Country Is Kim Il Sung’s Korea Forever / 내 나라는 영원히 수령님나라 / Страна моя - вечная страна вождя
Female solo and mixed chorus - Kim Kwang Suk
NOTE: It is not original copy of the CD. It is the result of searching of the songs from the web (according the information from the different sources).
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1 view
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