Over 1000 Killed, 1200 Hurt in 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake in Morocco | What We Know | The Quint

Over 1000 people were killed and at least 1200 injured in an earthquake that struck Morocco’s High Atlast Mountains in the Marrakesh region at pm on 8 September 2023. Watch the video for the full story. #morocco #Moroccoearthquake #morocconews #earthquake #naturaldisaster Video: The Quint Music: BMG Support The Quint’s independent journalism. Become a member now: Join this channel to get access to perks: __________________ SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGNS: Check out The Quint for more news: The Quint in Hindi: For more videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel: You can also follow The Quint here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
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