POD 2 - Sega Dreamcast : Play Through [Gameplay]

DreamcastUK from ItsMuchMore plays POD 2 on the Sega Dreamcast Thinking of getting your Dreamcast 🌀online ? There are quite a few ways you can connect your Dreamcast online and the library of games being restored for online play is growing all the time. Here you will find guides on how to connect online Also there is a nice tool that shows you when people are online and what they are playing kind of like how Xbox, PlayStation and Steam show you a friends list of who’s online. Next there is the schedule of when people are online and or arranging meet ups which take place on a daily basis and the selected game There are also a number of different ways to communicate , there is the Dreamcast Talk chat which can be accessed from your Dreamcast web browser or there is active Skype and Discord groups to arrange online Game meetups and chat
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