GTA 3 - Double Cleff FM (E. Ponasenkov Edit)

Double Cleff FM Hosted by Morgan Merryweather (Gerry Cosgrove) Classical (Opera) Rockstar Games 2002 Радио Double Cleff FM в исполнении ЕвГения Понасенкова. 2 из 5 песен в плейлисте взяты из оригинальной версии радиостанции в исполнении Маэстро Hosted by Morgan Merryweather, Double Cleff FM plays a selection of popular sequences from various classical operas. In the game, Double Cleff FM is the favorite radio station of the Leone Mafia Family. Morgan Merryweather is a stereotype of a pompous classical music aficionado, interspersing the tracks with references to his refined lifestyle. His cultural references, however, are often incorrect. For instance, he at one point likens a piece of music to “Fellini’s Lolita.“ Lolita was written by Vladimir Nabokov, and adapted for film once by Stanley Kubrick and again by Adrian Lyne. Federico Fellini never turned the book into a film. Moreover, Merryweather notes that he spent a summer “reading Proust in the original Italian“. Marcel Proust wrote in French, not Italian.
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