“I’m about to break you.“
Yup, I’m vidding Kol again! Shocker huh? (not really, I bet)
It’s been TWO MONTHS since last time though, that is waay too long.
But now I finally had a couple of new scenes to use, YAY!
I adore Kol soo much. I am just as obsessed as I was, if not more.
I have seriously watched that one scene (the latter) like 20 times.
As much as I love Damon I have to say that it was hilarious to see him get beaten up.
“Relax, darling. “No hard feelings mate, but we’re not buds.“ He is just too awesome.
I reeeally hope he is in the next episode, but at the same time, staying away = safe. Soo, maybe that’s just as well.
I will be so upset if they kill him off, but I am reeeally worried.
I have a feeling they will kill one of the originals off (most likely Kol), and then Elena non-vampire-co. will be soo worried that’s who the rest of the gang descended from.
And they’ll drag it out in an attempted dra
1 day ago 00:02:00 1
Не плачу#shorts
2 days ago 00:15:13 1
Как вам пробудить свою душу? | Выберите волшебное кольцо!
1 week ago 00:01:12 1
Жених и невеста надевают обручальные кольца в ЗАГСе. Коцерт скрипки с оркестром.
2 weeks ago 01:30:32 431
разгон материала-подкаст — гурам демидов и хетаг колиев