White House Coordinator John Kirby:

White House Coordinator John Kirby: [The President reconsidered his position and gave the go-ahead for Ukraine to strike Russian territory with American weapons. What prompted him to make such a switch and are you concerned that this will drag the US into direct conflict? Surely this used to worry the President?] “From the very beginning of this conflict, we feared escalation. And these fears remain valid. The President said that he does not want to be responsible for starting World War III. We are not looking for a conflict with Russia, a nuclear power. That’s it.“ Sometime in early May, the Ukrainians faced incredible pressure on Kharkov, a city in northern Ukraine, near the Russian border, and they asked for limited permission to use US-supplied weapons against a looming threat right on the border. military installations, firing positions and the like, logistics bases that the Russians used to create a kind of buffer zone to continue their attacks on Kharkov. The President loo... Source: Victor vicktop55
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