QVue State Management Pinia Crash Course - Pinia Tutorial 3 (Дата оригинальной публикации: )
In this video we look at Pinia a light-weight state management system perfect for Vue 3 users looking to use the Composition API. In this video we create a counter example, and I give some tips on how to use it! #vue3 #pinia
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0:00 Introduction
0:29 Setting up and Installing Pinia
02:39 Creating a store
06:04 Import store into App
07:04 Introducing storeToRefs
10:15 using $patch
12:04 using $reset
13:00 using $subscribe
13:45 Vue Dev Tools with Pinia
14:30 Using $state
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1 year ago 00:15:41 2
QVue State Management Pinia Crash Course - Pinia Tutorial 3 (Дата оригинальной публикации: )