Simple Drum Sander // 간단한 드럼 샌더

============================================================================== These days, if an email address is entered in a comment, it is automatically classified as spam and deleted. I’m never going to delete it, so please don’t get me wrong. If a comment is deleted immediately within 1 minute, please send a request for a drawing to my e-mail (@) and I will send it to you as soon as I have time. thank you. 요즘들어 댓글에 메일주소가 들어가면 스펨으로 자동 분류되어 삭제되는 현상이 자주 발생되고 있습니다. 제가 지우는 것은 절대 아니니 오해 없으시길 부탁드립니다. 혹시
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