Cannibalism in the animal kingdom - Bill Schutt

Check out Bill Schutt’s “Cannibalism: A Perfectly Natural History“: View full lesson: Until recently, scientists thought cannibalism was a rare response to starvation or other extreme stress. Well-known cannibals like the praying mantis and black widow were considered bizarre exceptions. But now, we know they more or less represent the rule. Bill Schutt shows how cannibalism can promote the survival of a species by reducing competition, culling the weak, and bolstering the strong. Lesson by Bill Schutt, animation by Compote Collective. Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Dino Hrnjić, Côme Vincent, Astia Rizki Safitri, alessandra tasso, Gerald Onyango, Katrina Harding, Ezgi Yersu, Katie Dean, Kin Lon Ma, Carsten Tobehn, Boris Langvand, Jeremy Fryd, Charlene You, Carolyn Corwin, rakesh Katragadda, Sergi Páez, Jørgen Østerpart, Karla Brilman, Cindy O., Ni
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