IELTS Live Class - Speaking Part 1 about the News

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – SPEAK and REPEAT Examiner Questions: What is your full name? May I see your identification? Where do you live? What helps you to relax? PART 1 Let’s talk about the news. How often do you read the news? Where do you get the latest news from? (Why?) What kind of news do you not like? When do you like to research the news? (Why?) If you could change one thing about news media, what would that be? (Why?) Have the way people followed the news changed in the last 20 years? Is this good or bad? Get all of our IELTS speaking videos at This video is an IELTS speaking section interview questions, answers, and strategies. This playlist teaches essential techniques for IELTS speaking interviews. Follow us on Facebook at This video is part of a series that instructs the steps necessary to achieve a high score, between 7 to 9, on the IELTS question. This series will teach you the skills that will help you to be successful, and confident, and reach success on these questions during the speaking interview. Follow the instructions carefully and make sure to practice. It is essential to practice a lot to give full-sentence answers which reflect the grammar structure of the questions. Strategies will help with fluent language, natural language, and complex language. Enjoy. Follow us now on Twitter @aehelp
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