Supercharging your Data Science projects with GitHub tools | Python Data Science Day (Дата оригинальной публикации: )
GitHub with its popular DevOps platform, its cloud-hosted developer environments - GitHub Codespaces - and its embedded AI pair programmer - GitHub Copilot - is known as the developer’s best friend. But what if I can tell you that it is also the data scientist’s best friend?
In this session, I’ll show you how:
- You can leverage GitHub Codespaces to create your customized environment, set it up with all the prerequisites and libraries needed for your data science project, and share it with your collaborators, ensuring them a seamless experience.
- You can leverage GitHub Copilot assistance in your Jupyter notebook throughout the whole project life-cycle, including writing, debugging, and documenting your Python code.
00:00 Supercharging your Data Science Project with GitHub tools
01:04 How AI technology is transforming our workplaces
01:44 Today’s project
02:21 GitHub Copilot and GitHub Codespaces
04:14 Demo
22:02 Keep Learning
Python at Microsoft
Cloud Skills Challenge - through April 15, 2024
GitHub codespaces
VS Code Release notes
Featuring: Carlotta Castelluccio, AI Advocate, Microsoft (@carlottacaste)