All Enemies of Wolfenstein (1992-2019)

In this video I show you my most ambitious project so far: A comparison of the more than 270 opponents you can encounter in the Wolfenstein games! The games I used are “Wolfenstein 3D“ including “Spear of Destiny“ and Mission Pack (1992-1994), “Return to Castle Wolfenstein“ (2001), “Wolfenstein“ (2009), “Wolfenstein: The New Order“ (2014), “Wolfenstein: The Old Blood“ (2015), “Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus“ including the “Freedom Chronicles“ (2017-2018), “Wolfenstein: Youngblood“ (2019) and “Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot“ (2019). I leave out the ancient Wolfenstein from 1981 and the mobile versions, because the old versions are not in 3D and the mobile versions are turn-based RPGs. Comparability would not be given in my opinion. In addition to the typical soldiers of the World War II, there are also robot and monster variants in most Wolfenstein games. Wolfenstein 2 and Return to Castle Wolfenstein offer the
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