2:30 Understanding the Legal Concepts of P
8:08 Learning How to Scope a Penetration T
14:58 Learning the Key Aspects of Complian
19:42 Introducing Footprinting Concepts an
25:30 Performing Footprinting through Sear
30:37 Performing Footprinting through Web
36:19 Performing Footprinting through Soci
38:25 Understanding Website Footprinting
46:14 Understanding Email Footprinting
48:45 Understanding Whois Footprinting
52:54 Understanding DNS Footprinting
1:00:48 Understanding Network Footprinting
1:05:16 Performing Footprinting through So
1:16:59 Surveying Footprinting Tools
1:19:36 Surveying Network Scanning Concept
1:21:23 Exploiting Scanning Tools
1:27:49 Understanding Host Discovery
1:36:39 Understanding Port and Service Dis
1:48:00 Performing OS Discovery (Banner Gr
1:53:46 Scanning Beyond IDS and Firewall
2:04:28 Creating Network Diagrams
2:08:45 Introducing Enumeration Techniques
2:11:12 Performing NetBIOS Enumeration
2:17:40 Performing SNMP Enumeration
2:26:55 Performing LDAP Enumeration
2:29:26 Performing NTP and NFS Enumeration
2:37:00 Performing SMTP and DNS Enumeratio
2:45:56 Conducting Additional Enumeration
2:55:33 Introducing Web Server Concepts
3:06:15 Exploring Web Server Attacks and M
3:11:08 Surveying Web Server Attack Tools
3:21:19 Understanding Patch Management
3:27:12 Surveying Web Server Security Tool
3:29:46 Introducing Web Application Concep
3:37:57 Understanding Web App Threats and
3:45:39 Footprinting Web Infrastructures
3:57:53 Analyzing Web Applications
4:04:58 Introducing the OWASP Top 10
4:08:52 Attacking Authentication, Authoriz
4:15:13 Attacking Authentication, Authoriz
4:30:31 Performing Command Injection Attac
4:34:29 Exploiting DirectoryPath Traversal
4:38:16 Input Validation and Sanitation
4:42:47 Exploiting Cross-site Scripting (X
4:55:01 Exploiting XML External Entities
5:01:04 Attacking Web Services, APIs, and
5:12:05 Introducing SQL Injection Concepts
5:18:06 Understanding the Types of SQL Inj
5:20:43 Exploring the SQL Injection Method
5:23:58 Exploring SQL Injection Tools
5:36:37 Exploring Evasion Techniques
5:38:29 Understanding SQL Injection Counte
5:42:18 Introducing Wireless Concepts
5:46:47 Understanding Wireless Encryption
5:56:10 Exploring Wireless Threats
6:06:49 Understanding Wireless Hacking Met
6:11:23 Surveying Wireless Hacking Tools
6:18:17 Hacking Bluetooth
6:24:46 Introducing Wireless Countermeasur
6:30:32 Understanding Wireless Client Atta
6:35:51 Learning Packet Injection Attacks
6:37:45 Eavesdropping and Manipulating Une
6:42:12 Attacking Publicly Secure Packet F
6:45:36 Attacking the Preferred Network Li
6:47:41 Understanding Wireless Antennas
6:50:08 Surveying Wi-Fi Devices Like the P
6:56:27 Building Your Own Lab
6:59:28 Introducing the Aircrack-ng Suite
7:05:20 Introducing Airmon-ng
7:07:06 Understanding Airodump-ng
7:10:18 Introducing Aireplay-ng
7:12:51 Introducing Airdecap-ng
7:14:35 Introducing Airserv-ng
7:17:09 Introducing Airtun-ng
7:18:43 Understanding Buffer Overflows
7:27:04 Exploiting Buffer Overflows
7:33:35 Overcoming Defenses for Buffer Ove
7:36:17 Understanding Fuzzing
7:39:43 Creating a Fuzzing Strategy
7:47:30 Exploring Mutation-based, Generati
7:52:50 Surveying Tools to Find and Exploi
8:02:18 Maintaining Persistence After Comp
8:10:04 Understanding How to Perform Later
8:13:33 Understanding How to Cover Your Tr
8:15:23 Understanding Authentication and A
8:18:20 Understanding Authentication and A
8:24:03 Exploring Password Storage Mechani
8:26:59 Understanding Password Storage Vul
8:30:40 Cracking Passwords with John the R
8:43:31 Cracking Passwords with hashcat
8:52:51 Improving Password Security
8:55:04 Surveying Report Writing and Handl
8:59:59 Recommending Mitigation Strategies
9:02:12 Explaining the Importance of Appro
9:05:23 Understanding Mobile Platform Atta
9:15:08 Hacking iOS
9:26:23 Hacking Android OS
9:36:52 Understanding Mobile Device Manage
9:41:43 Surveying Mobile Security Guidelin
9:43:38 Understanding OWASP Mobile Device
9:48:11 Wrestling with the BYOD Dilemma
9:50:21 Understanding Mobile Device Manage
9:52:41 Understanding Mobile Device Securi
9:54:31 Hacking Android Devices
10:11:18 Exploring Android Emulators and S
10:14:59 Understanding Android Hacking Too
10:31:11 Exploring Jailbraking iOS
10:34:04 Surveying Tools for Disassembling
10:35:32 Introducing IoT Concepts
10:44:46 Understanding IoT Attacks
10:54:01 Understanding IoT Hacking Methodo
10:59:50 Surveying IoT Hacking Tools
11:09:16 Understanding IoT Countermeasures
11:13:30 Introducing OT Concepts
11:19:38 Performing OT Attacks
11:25:55 Understanding OT Hacking Methodol
11:31:56 Surveying OT Hacking Tools
11:38:34 Understanding OT Countermeasures
11:43:52 Surveying Tools for Dissasembling
11:48:34 Exploring ZigBee and IEEE .
11:54:01 Exploring INSTEON
11:59:00 Exploring ZWave