Hard Enduro Hell - 2 Stroke VS 4 Stroke

У нас всегда есть что посмотреть! - Pure sound of 2 stroke and 4 stroke bikes no music. Have fun watching this video subscribe for more videos. TAGS: (dont read) ktm 125 sx ktm motorcycles ktm enduro ktm 250 sx ktm 530 exc ktm 450 exc ktm 450 sx ktm 85 sx ktm parts ktm 300 ktm 300 exc ktm 690 enduro ktm 125 ktm 65 sx ktm 350 ktm supermoto ktm 690 enduro r ktm 400 exc ktm 690 ktm 250 ktm superduke ktm sx 125 ktm 85 ktm adventure ktm 350 exc ktm 50 sx ktm bikes ktm exc ktm 200 ex
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