TANGO 💃 Music Mix

Tango Selebre Traditional Music// Songs Choice & Mix By Myself// Tango, a distinctive dance and the corresponding musical style of tango music, began in the working-class port neighborhoods of Buenos Aires (Argentina); and years later in Montevideo, Uruguay; the area of the Rio de la Plata. There are numbers of theories about the origin of the word “tango“. One of the more popular in recent years has been that it came from the Niger–Congo languages of theory is that the word “tango“, already in common use in Andalusia to describe a style of music, lent its name to a completely different style of music in Argentina and Uruguay. The story begins with the Argentinean tango Gauchos who went into full nightclubs and prayed local girls to dance. Since there is not a shower, girls are circling around them tossing her head back. As gauchos rode steadily, with knees in a bent position, the position of the legs are transferred to the dance. In the Argentine tango to show the co
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