MTG Arena Beta | Bant Mill DeckTech & Gameplay Confabulation
2 Glacial Fortress (XLN) 255
2 Search for Azcanta (XLN) 74
3 Glimmer of Genius (KLD) 49
3 Fumigate (KLD) 15
3 Aether Hub (KLD) 242
4 Ipnu Rivulet (HOU) 180
3 Fraying Sanity (HOU) 35
2 Winds of Rebuke (AKH) 76
3 Cast Out (AKH) 8
3 Disallow (AER) 31
2 Irrigated Farmland (AKH) 245
1 Arch of Orazca (RIX) 185
2 Syncopate (DAR) 67
2 Seal Away (DAR) 31
4 Psychic Corrosion (M19) 68
2 Patient Rebuilding (M19) 67
3 Island (M19) 265
4 Haze of Pollen (AKH) 171
2 Root Snare (M19) 199
1 Field of Ruin (XLN) 254
2 Hinterland Harbor (DAR) 240
1 Scattered Groves (AKH) 247
2 Sunpetal Grove (XLN) 257
1 Forest (RIX) 196
2 Plains (RIX) 192
1 Divination (M19) 51