Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble Vol. 54 || 보천보전자악단 제54집 || Ансамбль электронной музыки Почхонбо. Альбом №54
1994, Pyongyang || 1994, 평양 || 1994 год, Пхеньян
ATTENTION! It is not original copy from CD. It is result of searching of the songs in the web (according the information from catalogue). One track is available only in live recording!
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NOTE. Pangchang = chorus behind the stage
01 [00:00] We Will Win Because You Are Leading Us
Female solo with pangchang Jo Gum Hwa
02 [02:40] The Unforgettable Night
Female solo Jon Hye Yong
03 [07:56] Bright Is Our Future
Female trio with pangchang Jon Hye Yong, Ri Gyong Suk, Ri Bun Hui
04 [10:34] I Think, Seeing You
Female solo with pangchang Ri Gyong Suk
05 [15:03] Song of Bean Paste
Female solo with pangchang Jo Gum Hwa
06 [17:30] Song of the River Amnok
Female solo with pangchang Ri Gyong Suk
07 [22:19] Cheerful Dance Music \\ live performance \\
Male instrumental music
08 [24:40] My Star
Female solo Jon Hye Yong
09 [30:05] Song of the Industrial Rehabilitation for Nation Building
Female solo with pangchang Ri Bun Hui
10 [32:40] Do Love
Female solo Ri Gyong Suk
11 [35:50] I Too Will Live Like a Star to Follow the Party
Female solo Jon Hye Yong
12 [40:08] We Are Winners
Female solo with pangchang Ri Bun Hui
01) 당신만 있으면 우리는 이긴다
녀성독창과 방창 조금화
02) 못잊을 그 밤
녀성독창 전혜영
03) 우리 앞날 밝다
녀성3중창과 방창 전혜영 리경숙 리분희
04) 너를 보며 생각하네
녀성독창과 방창 리경숙
05) 토장의 노래
녀성독창과 방창 조금화
06) 압록강의 노래
녀성독창과 방창 리경숙
07) 즐거운 무도곡
08) 나의 별
녀성독창 전혜영
09) 산업건국의 노래
녀성독창과 방창 리분희
10) 사랑하시라
녀성독창 리경숙
11) 당을 따라 별처럼 나도 살리
녀성독창 전혜영
12) 우린 승리자
녀성독창과 방창 리분희
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