10 Million times THANK YOU - YouTube Diamond Play Button

Tomorrowland reaches the milestone of 10 million subscribers and gains a YouTube Diamond Play button. Tomorrowland reached the magic number of 10 million subscribers on the official YouTube channel and therefore is awarded with a diamond YouTube Play Button. Michiel Beers, co-founder of Tomorrowland, toasts to this milestone: “We have made an aftermovie of the festival every year since our first edition in 2005, unfortunately they were not watched very much in the first few years. But together with the worldwide growth of YouTube, the festival has also become a worldwide phenomenon in 2011 and certainly in 2012. People from all over the world watched our aftermovies and sets from Tomorrowland. One of the most unique things about Tomorrowland remains the whole world coming together in one magic place once a year and our content on YouTube certainly contributes to that. It is fantastic that we can continue to share our creativity & passion that we put in Tomorrowland with the People of Tomorrow via YouTube
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