ESC World Record - The world’s biggest Flash Mob at The Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Norway

The interval act of the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 FINAL in Norway! ( The world’s biggest flash mob EVER! World record! Unbelievably cool! The performing artists were Madcon with their song called Glow. Madcon is a multi-platinum award winning Norwegian urban duo. The group has achieved international fame, sold millions of singles and compilations, and have performed and toured all over Europe. Filmed participants all over Europe in Norway, Sweden, Slovenia, Iceland, Spain, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Azerbadjan, Russia, France, Turkey, Poland, Estonia, Portugal, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Albania, Ireland, Serbia, Denmark, Romania, Armenia, Latvia, Belarus, Croatia, Belgium, Georgia, Greece, Slovakia, Ukraine, Cyprus, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Finland, Israel and a lonely guy on a small island in the North Sea. On top of that the Norwegian Royal HHR Crown Princess Mette Marit and the Prince and Princess. Thank you NRK for this fantastic flashmob setup! It was the coolest ever! (to the commenters that says that I am wrong about this being from 2010, pls have a look at this; Use Google: Norway WON the contest 2009, that means that they HOSTED the ESC 2010. This is what I mention on this page. (In 2009 the ESC was in Moscow.) (this is the official ESC site)
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