• please watch in HD (720p) small screen headphones •
• turn on the subtitles if you can’t understand the voiceovers!
⇣ read description box ⇣
» there’s no one else for me «
• Finally a new Varchie video! I’ve struggled with vidding them because Riverdale’s storylines are so messy lol but it’s finally here, just in time to day 7 of Varchie Appreciation Week on Tumblr! Awww, this song. My babies. Whether they’re delivering fluffiness, sexiness or angst, shipping them is the best thing ever.
• How perfect is this song for them after s3? “My heart ached for you...“ Excuse me while I go scream about my OTP.
• OOOH I have to say that there are two videos to this song: a Brucas one (here: ) and a Serenate one (here: ) that make me bawl my eyes out so if that’s your thing too, go ahead and watch them.
• Hope you’re all safe! See you soon!