Workshops of War | How Rome Crafted and Supplied its Legions…

Go to to stay fully informed on events around the world. Subscribe through my link for less than $1/month or get 30% off unlimited access this month only. Part of the colossal success of the Roman Empire must be attributed not only to its impressive army size, but also its ability in producing arms and armor and supplying that army, which was distributed along hundreds of kilometers, on the very edges of the Roman frontiers. This video aims to analyze this astounding success, making it the first multicultural empire with a fully defined professional army. However, the difficulty in making this happen can be seen throughout modern archeological findings; there was no standardization of weapons and armour, and within every unit was a wide variety of equipment with a spectrum of lifespans, design, and style. The worst of these examples are Roman helmets found with no cheek guards and no final polishing. Their most impressive achievemnt though, was turning expensive state-
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