Star Wars: Republic Commando (Part 6) - Ghost Ship Recon

Star Wars: Republic Commando Remaster Mod (Part 6) - Ghost Ship Recon Exactly one year had passed since the start of the Clone Wars, and the full Delta Squadron was still working for the good of the Republic. One of the cruisers in the VAR fleet, the “Accuser,“ which disappeared two weeks ago, appeared in Republic space, in the Chaikin sector. The Boss Group was brought in to investigate the ship: the Accuser was somewhat of a home to them, it was where they had evacuated after Geonosis. As then, the Delta had to split up and act alone, so the detachment penetrated the ship through the launch systems Mod The second channel #starwars #republiccommando #starwarsrepubliccommando #deltasquad #clonewars #theclonewars #boss #fixer #sev #scorch #звездныевойны #войныклонов #отряддельта
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