Yee Mein! One of our favorite noodles out there - this Cantonese noodle’s simple fantastic at absorbing flavor.
0:00 - Why is Yee Mein the best Mein?
1:53 - Yee Mein with Shiitake and Pork
7:01 - Steph’s Opinion on Lobster Cheesy Yee Mein
8:27 - Cheesy Yee Mein with Shrimp
16:36 - Birthday Yee Mein!
Yee Mein sourcing notes:
While Yee Mein appears to be a common sight at most Chinese supermarkets in the States at least (which tend to have a good selection of Cantonese ingredients), unfortunately at the time of writing it’s a bit dicey to find online. Amazon carries it, together with an absurd Amazon-sized markup - $25 for one recipe’s worth, which is WAY too expensive to recommend. That said, they have the same brand as the one that appeared at 99 Ranch, so here it is if you’re curious to at least get a visual on it:
On using Jiuhuang Yellow Chives if you can find them:
Grab about 7-8 Jiuhuang, cut off the
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