八月桂花遍地開 August Bloom of the Fragrant Osmanthus | 革命歷史歌曲表演唱 (1963年) | ⦇EN CC⦈
The “August Bloom of the Fragrant Osmanthus” (八月桂花遍地开 Bāyuè guìhuā biàndì kāi) (also known as the “August Bloom of the Cassia”) is a popular Chinese Red Army folk song from Sichuan province. The lyrics were written to the tune of the traditional Eight Pieces of Brocade (八段锦 Bā duàn jĭn) from the Dabie Mountains.
Medium: @mroldmayer
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6 months ago 00:02:27 4
八月桂花遍地開 August Bloom of the Fragrant Osmanthus | 革命歷史歌曲表演唱 (1963年) | ⦇EN CC⦈
6 months ago 00:03:44 1
“八月桂花遍地开“ - August Bloom of the Fragrant Osmanthus (Sichuan Red Song)
3 years ago 00:02:54 1
八月桂花遍地开 Sweet Osmanthus Blooming Everywhere In August
4 years ago 00:01:18 1
秋收起义歌 / Song Of The Autumn Harvest Uprising (1975)