NECTAR (2024) ZX Spectrum

im1 the drone is having a bad day. An order for the new rocket fuel has come in and it is up to Sim1 to collect enough for a consignment to be sent of for sales. But it is never that simple, in fact it is quite a challenge for everyday work. Some years ago Planet T1y88 was discovered and on it a unique plant grows, whose nectar is quite volatile. Enough so that it can be used as rocket fuel on the XB1 multi stage ground to space rocket. The corporations moved in and set up farms to grow the plant and use drones to collect the nectar for processing. However T1y88 has local life, quite aggressive local life. These bio-energy beings seem to be attracted to anything that moves with dangerous results. So the drones are now equipped with firepower that is able to use the nectar and shoot pulses in order to keep the locals at bay, but only if you collect the nectar first. However depending on the flower colour, the nectar has slightly different properties and do not always destroy a life-form. So get to work Sim1, collect that nectar, protect your self and fill those bottles up with the product. The game was made by Luny in 2024. Download here (Remember to donate): Huge playlist archive with games from 2024:
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