The Evolution of Cordelia Chase | Time

Watch in 720p please :D Sooo if you know me, you know that cordelia chase (along with april kepner) is my fave character of all time and I really hope this video explains why. Yes she starts off selfish and only cares about herself. But then it is so beautiful how she develops into a kind, strong woman who only wants to help people! She is the definition of selfless. Character development is very important to me in characters and hers is just mind blowing, one of the best written I have ever seen. I have never seen characters written as well as those on buffy and angel. Every single character has development. She is also confident, bubbly and funny - traits not shown in this video as this video is just about her development. Even tho if you have watched this I have basically spoiled so much of her character, there are so many amazing characters on angel and buffy so you guys should all watch the shows!!! they have been my fave shows since I was about 7 and no show ha
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