Yuri Shevchuk, Rustam Asanbaev, Gennady Rodin, Vladimir Sigachev, and Rustam Karimov founded the band in the summer of 1980. Due to a lack of means for recording, the band remained silent until 1982. In the Spring of 1982, the group competed in a contest called Золотой Камертон (or “Golden Tuning Fork“). They won the competition with the song “Не стреляй.“ In the same year, the group published their first album - Свинья на радуге. After this album was released and the band gained some fame, they attracted the attention of the KGB and their album was declared forbidden. The group was forced to go underground.
As the band’s fame grew, so did hostilities from the government. Finding it difficult for the band members to find work in Ufa, Shevchuk moved to Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) and played with the band Урфин Джюс.
In 1985, Shevchuk moved to Moscow. In March of the same year, he held a concert in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In 1987, Shevchuk rebuild the band, now including Nikita Zaitsev, Vadim Kurylev, Andrei Vasiliev, Igor Dotsenko, Andrei Muratov, and Mikhail Chernov. That same year, the band performed in a rock festival in St. Petersburg for a crowd of three thousand people. The band held its first cross-country tour in 1988.
In 1993, DDT was named “best rock group of the year“ and Shevchuk was named “best rock-musician of the year.“
DDT plays a wide variety of styles, ranging from rock, to country, to blues, and more. They have risen to become one of Russia’s most popular and influential rock groups.
*Игорь Доценко (Igor’ Dotsenko) : Drums
*Павел Борисов (Pavel Borisov) : Bass
*Юрий Шевчук (Yuriy Shevchuk) : Lead vocals, guitar
*Алексей Федичев (Aleksey Fedichev) : Lead guitar
*Константин Шумайлов (Konstantin Shumaylov ): Piano
/Translation by ana/
Crowned with the moon,
High, as the beginning,
As victory - not with me,
Difficult, as hope...
Behind the window - a whiteout;
Bound my life with snow,
Tore the final off hinges,
And ate all warmth...
Play as you can, play...
Close your eyes and return,
Do not disappear, but melt
And bow to the path...
Warm my window,
Let the spring out onto the field,
Do not live up, but grow,
And you will be forever with me...
And you will be forever with me...
And you will be forever with me...
With me.
Lanterns seek the ground,
Candle reaches for the sky...
Traces of dawn in the snow,
Wings of the fallen light...
Very well, Blizzard, pour me some -
Let’s drink time on the empty stomach!
I shall sing, and you’ll bark along
Of lost things...
Play as you can, play...
Close your eyes and return,
Do not disappear, but melt
And bow to the path...
Warm my window,
Let the spring out onto the field,
Do not live up, but grow,
And you will be forever with me...
And you will be forever with me...
And you will be forever with me...
With me.
Carefully, slowly,
With white wind in breast...
Where by the boat, caught in ice,
A frozen soul awaits
Em C G D
Коронована луной,
Как начало высока,
Как победа - не со мной,
Как надежда - не легка.
Em C/9 G D
За окном стеной мете-ель,
Жизнь по горло занесло,
Сорвало финал с петель,
Да поело все тепло.
Em C G D Em
Играй как можешь сыграй, закрой глаза и вернись
Не пропади, но растай, да колее поклонись
Мое окно отогрей, пусти по полю весной
Не доживи, но созрей и будешь вечно со мной,
И будешь вечно со мной, и будешь вечно...
Со мной... Со мной...
Ищут землю фонари,
К небу тянется свеча.
На снегу следы зари,
Крылья павшего луча.
Что же вьюга наливай,
Выпьем время натощак.
Я спою, ты в такт пролай
О затерянных вещах.
Осторожно, не спеша,
С белым ветром на груди,
Где у вмерзшей в лед ладьи
Ждет озябшая душа.
Koronovana lunoy,
Kak nachalo - vysoka,
Kak pobeda - ne so mnoy,
Kak nadezhda - nelegka.
Za oknom stenoy metel’,
Zhizn’ po gorlo zaneslo,
Sorvalo final s petel’,
Da poela vse teplo. . .
Igray kak mozhesh’, sygray
Zakroy glaza i vernis’,
Ne propadi, no rastay
Da kolee poklonis’,
Moe okno otogrey,
Pusti po polyu vesnoy,
Ne dozhivi, no sozrey,
I budesh’ vechno so mnoy
I budesh’ vechno so mnoy
I budesh’ vechno so mnoy
So mnoy
Ishchut zemlyu fonari,
K nebu tyanetsya svecha,
Na snegu sledy zari,
Kryl’ya pavshego lucha,
Chto zhe, v’yuga, nalivay,
Vyp’em vremya natoshchak,
Ya spoyu, ty v takt prolay
O zateryannykh veshchakh
Ostorozhno, ne spesha,
S belym vetrom na grudi,
Gde u vmerzshey v led lad’i,
Zhdet ozyabshaya dusha
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