Glorious Spring 桜 Best Cherry Blossoms in Osaka & Kyoto.

2011 Cherry blossoms in Osaka & Kyoto, Japan 大阪と京都で満開の桜と春を満喫しました。^^ 特に幻想的な古都京都に咲く枝垂れ桜は、この上なく美しかったです。^^ Warm sakura season has come again this year. and we enjoyed the beautiful sakura in full bloom, again this year.^^ They were stunningly beautiful and it was a really nice springtime for us.^^ There’re many kinds of sakuras in JP. And every spring, JP’s national flower, the sakura bloom in pink all over JP’s islands, and many people enjoy them.^^ I sincerely hope and wish that this spring will be
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