Legend of Zelda - Hyrule’s Downfall: Chapter 1 ( Zelda 35th anniversary ) 🥳

👉SUBSCRIBE! (((🔔))) 👉Support me on PATREON: THANK YOU NINTENDO TO KEEP MAKING US DREAM WITH THIS INCREDIBLE SERIES THAT IS ZELDA. To celebrate the 35th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda I decided to create a story about The Downfall Timeline in Ocarina of Time. This video took me 6 months of hard work every single day to make it. I wanted to produce an animation where my vision of this unknown story of the official timeline is shown. This video as well as all my videos is rendered in real time in Unreal Ungine 4 with megascans. Disclaimer: This video does not reflect Nintendo’s ideas this is my personal interpretation as a fan. ►The music of this video is composed by the talented Mosik! All the tracks she made will be available on her channel Sunday! ►The music of this video is composed by the talented Mosik! All the tracks she made are availa
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