The Grand Rapids LipDub (NEW WORLD RECORD)

The international sensation that Roger Ebert calls “The Greatest Music Video Ever Made.“ Support this non-profit organization by buying cool merchandise! Link: | Rob Bliss Events: Media Inquiries: robblissgr[at] Business Inquiries: ask[at] “The Grand Rapids LipDub Video was filmed May 22nd, with 5,000 people, and involved a major shutdown of downtown Grand Rapids, which was filled with marching bands, parades, weddings, motorcades, bridges on fire, and helicopter take offs. It is the largest and longest LipDub video, to date. This video was created as an official response to the Newsweek article calling Grand Rapids a “dying city.“ We disagreed strongly, and wanted to create a video that encompasses the passion and energy we all feel is growing exponentially, in this great city. We
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