Slade - She Did It To Me (1974) [HQ]

Inscreva-se no canal!! Ative o sininho 👉🔔 Deixe seu Like 👍 * Do quarto álbum “Old New Borrowed and Blue“ de estúdio da banda britânica de rock Slade. Foi lançado em 15 de fevereiro de 1974. ♫♫♫ She Did It To Me ♫♫♫ Anytime you feel like you’re down Anytime you want a friend around Cos I knew that soon we’d fall Everyday has said it all And I’ve landed with my two feer on the ground She can read in your eyes All the truths, all the lies She did it to me, she did it to me She can read how you’re made In the light, in the shade She did it to me, she did it to me Anytime you fell like a p...ain Anytime you want to talk again Cos I knew you that soon we’d dry Everyday will tell you why And for old times sake we’ll meet up in the rain Cos I knew you hadn’t planned Everyday so understand When you’re tires of
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