Sketch a crazy looking ’Bentley’ - yasidDESIGN

Here’s something quick for you guys, just not to let the channel sleep. I will try to do this often, regularly while working on some more serious recordings. I have some more serious work in progress which I didn’t finish yet, so meanwhile enjoy this one ;) Don’t mind the quality and brush use, as it’s not really appropriate. It was just quick, random.. Enjoy! #ID #sketch #sketching #industrial_design #sketchpark #sketchbook #art #design #sketches #Индустриальный_Дизайн #Промышленный_дизайн #industrialdesign #design #дизайн #продукт #product #промдизайн #индустриальныйдизайн #промышленныйдизайн Промышленный Дизайн (Industrial Design)
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