Feet Beat Wheels (1963)

Item title reads - Feet beat wheels. Banstead Woods, Surrey. Various shots of Harriers preparing for the Cyclists v. Harriers Race. M/S timekeepers. Various shots as Harriers start running. Various shots as cyclists set off on the same race. The runners come up to first stile and start to cross. Various shots as they run up hill. L/S pan as first cyclist arrives, picks his bike up and jumps over the stile. Various shots as other cyclist goes over stile. C/U’s crowds of cyclists crossing the stile. C/U girl laughing. M/S of the overall leader J. May running towards camera and climbing over a fence. Various shots runners splashing through deep mud. Various shots cyclists riding through deep water and mud. L/S runners coming towards camera through the mud. M/S’s cyclists riding past group of horse riders. M/S as the overall winner J. May runs across the line. M/S as the leading cyclist K. Mernickle comes in. M/S crowds applauding. C/U of the two winners shaking hands. FILM ID: A VIDE
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