Big Paul & Kurt Havens discuss all things fats. Monosaturated fats - Polyunsaturated Fats - Saturated Fats - Trans Fats - Essential Fatty Acids (DHA & EPA). Fat metabolism includes fat storage and fat burning. Fats and their application to bodybuilding. How much fat you should eat.
00:00 Intro
01:35 What are fats?
05:29 Types of fats
08:07 Essential fatty acids (EFAs)
12:17 Sources of omega-3 fats
13:02 Saturated fats and their roles in metabolism and how much we need
16:33 How do we burn fat?
25:10 What role does fat play in building muscle, if any?
27:23 Mixing high-fat and high carbs
30:53 How much fat do we really need in our diet?
37:32 Summation of fat intake specifically for bodybuilding
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