Singing in reverse is difficult.
watch forwards:
Much thanks to my friends Erin Donlon for dancing & Mike Hausler for pouring packing peanuts on me.
My guitar courses are available within the Guitareo membership :)
Also, my beginner course, GuitarQuest, is still available on it’s own too
The gear that I use:
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Sweetwater’s deals page:
The channel is supported in part by Sweetwater’s affiliate program. Thanks for that!
Commentary, song stems, and early access to videos when you super-subscribe on Patreon:
This video was made possible because of Patreon support from Rob Harper, Hypergnome, Fabio, Ben Swan, Isaac Briefer, ricin, rd1994, Sheldon Bird, Yaroslav Yermilov, Jack Cahillane, Denis Lachapelle, Kevin Harris, Jonathan Olejniczak, Fuad Ghazali, and many other awesome people on my Patreon page:
Big videos go on this channel. Everything and anything else is on the 2nd:
TikTok: @robscallon
I guess this song is the backwards words game Smosh started just in song.
things seem strange
like we’ll be back soon
I can feel things moving
towards old news
we’re going back
to present the past
I feel like we, are going backwards
yesterday, will replay
all new moons, feel the same
I can try to explain, to find the right words
I feel like we, are going backwards
keep in touch...
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