N. Korea says its military spy satellite took photos of White House, Pentagon UNSC discussions ...
N. Korea says its military spy satellite took photos of White House, Pentagon UNSC discussions fail to produce joint statement
북한 “美백악관•펜타곤 등 위성 촬영 김정은에게 보고“ 안보리, 北위성발사 논의 성과없이 종료
Now onto North Korea’s recently-launched military spy satellite.
Pyongyang says its satellite took photos of the White House and the Pentagon.
The UN Security Council was convened to discuss the launch which violates its resolutions but the council failed to produce any concrete action.
Lee Eun-jin reports.
North Korea’s state-run media reported on Tuesday that leader Kim Jong-un received photographs from the National Aerospace Technology Administration on Monday and Tuesday.
The pictures taken by the regime’s Malligyong-1 military reconnaissance satellite included images of the Norfolk Naval Base, Newport News Shipyard, and an airfield, all in the U.S. state of Virginia, as well as images of major military bases in South Korea and the U.S., none of which have been made public yet.
On Monday, the 15-member UN Security Council met to discuss the November 21 spy satellite launch, during which the Assistant Secretary-General for the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific called the North’s launch a serious threat to aviation and maritime traffic.
South Korea, present as an interested party, the U.S., and others, condemned the launch as a violation of UN Security Council resolutions which ban the regime from any launch using ballistic missile technology.
However, the session failed to produce any joint statement due to opposition from China and Russia.
At the end of the session, the United Nations ambassadors of the United States and North Korea became embroiled in a spat at the table, showing a rare, direct, and public exchange between the adversaries.
“The DPRK claims it’s acting in self-defense, but the self-defense really does not stand here as the U.S. and . military exercises, as you know, are routine and they’re defensive in nature.“
“And unlike the DPRK’s launches using ballistic missile technology, these actions are not prohibited by U.N. Security Council resolutions.“
“One belligerent party, the United States, is threatening us with a nuclear weapon. It is the legitimate right for the DPRK -as another belligerent party -to develop, test, manufacture and possess weapons systems equivalent to those that the United States have already possessed and, or developing right now.“
South Korean Ambassador to the UN, Hwang Joon-kook said that Pyongyang is now “almost mocking“ the Security Council.
Lee Eunjin, Arirang News.
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2023-11-28, 12:00 (KST)
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