Interview Avatar about ’Avatar Country’ and ’Hunter Gatherer’

A conversation with Johannes Eckerström of Avatar about the crazy journey that was “Avatar Country“, how things went way out of proportions at times and their new album “Hunter Gatherer“. Content: 0:13 2020 has been quite a wild ride. How have you been holding out personally and as a band? How are you doing in these times? 1:39 Has it been difficult to deal with the current limitations in regards to executing your job as a band? How do you work your way around it? 4:20 Looking back at the previous album, Avatar Country, with the whole cycle of touring with it as well. First of all; the Kickstarter-backed movie: evaluating everything, how do you think It went? Would you have done anything differently If you knew beforehand that the funding would’ve gone this way? 8:24 Avatar Country was kind of a whole package, themed thing. Especially live, as well. Will we ever see it back in one way or another? 15:20 The future of the Avatar Country website; what’s in stor
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