THE THRILLING CONCLUSION?! | Controlling GPIO in the Raspberry Pi Kernel | GPIO Driver Project

In this video, we complete our Raspberry Pi 3 GPIO Kernel Driver. Specifically, we add functionality that parses the input from the user and use that to control what pin gets either enabled or disabled. Finally, we write a program that, from user space, is able to control our driver to turn the LED on GPIO 21 on and off. Thanks for watching guys! šŸ« COURSES šŸ« Code: Follow me on Twitter: Follow me on Twitch: Join me on Discord!: Š¢ŠµŠ³Šø: raspberry pi,pico,rpi,microcontroller,arduino,maker,craft,hobby,electronics,wires,temperature,safety,project,board,electric,leds,led,thonny,python,micropython,os,ide,onewire,ds18b20,circuitpython,review,launch,measure,probe,rp2040,specs,specifications,how to,guide,programming,Pico emulation,retro games raspberry pi pico,etaprime,eta prime,raspberry pi pico,arm cortex m0 ,low cost
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