11-09-2024 - Sikh killing details - Justice Indian style - RSS Bot accounts - RSS agenda revealed

Angus Scott & James Cousineau’s European & Canadian perspective on the big stories making the news relevant to the Sikh community. Today we cover: 00:00 Introduction 01:07 More details on Sikh student murder 14:24 Just delayed is justice denied: Justice, Indian style 31:05 1400 AI-powered Indian propaganda ’bot’ accounts uncovered 40:26 Rahul Gandhi reveals Hindu Rashtra RSS agenda to US audience 51:00 Your comments #perspectives #jaggi #jaswantsinghkhalra #apdhillon #India #worldnews #internationalnews #news #breakingnews #globalnews #headlinestoday #newsheadlines #uknews #sa...tlujtv #satlujnetwork #satlujnews #punjab #punjabnews #punjabimedia #sikhnews #sikhdiaspora #sikhsinusa #akalidal #bjp #indiannationalcongress #sarbatkhalsa #akaltakhat #canada #sikhsincanada #humanrights #amnestyinternational #humanrights #politics #indianpolitics #worldpolitics #sikhstruggle Join us at: Website: YouTube: / @satnetnews
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