A direct link is provided to purchase the album from Svora on bandcamp. Additional links are given for Svora.
’Война за ничто / War For Nothing’ release date - December 8th, 2023.
“Every victory is due to bitter tears. The worst thing is that these tears, like the bullets, made no sense at all.
Every war is an all-human war for nothing“.
Major V- Guitars
Private D - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums
Digital format (Svora bandcamp)
00:00 - 01. Кувалда (Sledgehammer)
05:01 - 02. Война за ничто (War for Nothing)
09:51 - 03. В бушлате горя (In a Peacoat of Grief)
14:21 - 04.
...Святыни шрамов (Shrines of Scars)
18:06 - 05. Сердце празднует погибель (The Heart Celebrates Death)
22:04 - 06. Что мы вынесем из пепла (What Will We Take from the Ashes)
26:26 - 07. Солнцепёк (Solntsepyok)
31:10 - 08. Искупление (Redemption)
35:42 - 09. Незаживающая рана (Non-healing Wound)
41:01 - 10. Благовест (Blagovest)
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Strictly for promotional purposes.
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