Minecraft: how to build a CORNER HOUSE | BAR | CAFÉ . easy tutorial (Minecraft house tutorial)

ATTENTION: yes the song at the beginning is gone due to false CopyRight reasons aswel as a small part where my audio sounds horrible. sadly I have no clue how to deal with this. YouTube has very strict disputing rules, If I dispute it in a wrong way then I’m even in bigger problems. so I chose to mute those parts of the song. sorry for the inconvenience :( A new project of mine. sometimes it is hard to build a nice corner on a big building so why not blooming things up with a nice and beautiful flowery bar, café or restaurant. In this video I will show you how to build this corner building and give some great building tips along the way. so be sure to watch the full video. ALSO: thank you all so much for the amazing support these last weeks. my channel grew alot more and I couldnt do all this without the great support you give me. thank you so much and have a amazing holidays. :D disclaimer: All of my builds are free to copy /build in your own private world. However you may
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