Graham Wright - Vergen Pulzellar,per merze

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “Number 44 in the C14th Florence laudario. Veregen Pultzella ,per merze merze vos cher c’aggiai di me Vergen corte se e bella Madre di Dio Doncella Piena luna novella Nova donna ,novel aule A voi,fontana viva fructiferrosa uliva, dolze donna che non schifa a chi v’ama di pura fe Scala,porta et via del paradis,Maria a noi fa’ si che sia a la vostra bueno merze Verde palmes honesta, nostra donna,conqueser mi a’gioiosa festa, come mad’re sponsa di Re Virgin maid, out of your mercy, I beg you have mercy on me. Noble and beautiful Virgin, girl Mother of God, newly risen full moon new woman, wonderful fragrance I beg you,O living spring, fruitful olive tree, sweet lady ,you do not spurn those who love you with pure faith. Ladder,door and path to paradise,Mary, for us, let him take notice of your goodly mercy Green vine of honesty, our Lady,let me obtain a joyous feast, as you are mother and wife of the king from O Virgo Splendens, released November 23, 2020“
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